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Previous process books

eQ | Kinematics 

Student work: Take a curved and natural object and change it into a cube by using techniques such as sliding, folding, pivoting, nesting, and reconfiguring.

EQE Cube_edited.jpg

neo brace | back support 

Student work: Identify a growing issue within your home or work environment, and come up with a solution to either mitigate it or correct it all together.

neo brace final presentation cover _edited.jpg

Family of Products | S-Class Coupe

Student work: Take a series of miscellaneous mechanical components and design them in the 'image' of your selected vehicle.

family of products .001.png

Aquatic Blast | Articulation

Student work: Build a children's toy with two mechanically operated articulating components. 

AQB Presentation_edited.jpg

Triton Clock

Student work: Study the Triton Clock, then make the next generation of the product. 

Triton Clock Process Book_edited.jpg

DASH Waffle Maker

Student work: Reverse engineer an appliance and check user compatibility. 

Waffle presentaiton .001.png
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